A New Year, A New You!
2019 is here! I am sure everyone has started or at least declared their resolutions for the year. Some of the most common resolutions made by people include spend less money, quit smoking, and find a new job. Eat healthier/diet is the most common resolution accounting for 71% of resolutions. These resolutions are great and can help lead to a happier and definitely a healthier lifestyle if kept. There lies the problem. According to U.S News, roughly 80% of resolutions fail by Mid-February. How does one succeed at keeping their resolutions? I have no answer. I will say I think it is important to declare your resolutions because it is something you truly want to do, not because it is the trendy thing to do. I do not like to call them resolutions, I like to call them goals.
I myself have set some goals for the new year. Some things I think I can easily accomplish and some things that may be a challenge. First I want to lose 10 pounds. I know that 10 pounds is not an over ambitious goal however, I have never met a bag of potato chips that I did not love. Okay, that is a lie! I despise Salt and Vinegar chips. I also have a deep love for Starbucks, so we shall see what I accomplish on this goal.
I myself have set some goals for the new year. Some things I think I can easily accomplish and some things that may be a challenge. First I want to lose 10 pounds. I know that 10 pounds is not an over ambitious goal however, I have never met a bag of potato chips that I did not love. Okay, that is a lie! I despise Salt and Vinegar chips. I also have a deep love for Starbucks, so we shall see what I accomplish on this goal.
This brings me to the goal that I am most excited about. I am going to start writing again. This year I have vowed to write every week. I now have Writing Wednesdays. Ahh…. Alas, the reason you are here! I have restarted my Blog, which sadly fell to the wayside years ago. I will blame parenthood, but there were a lot of factors that led to me not blogging. Something most people don’t know about me is that I have a manuscript. I am excited to work on it and hopefully finish it in this lifetime. Will it ever be published, I have no clue. I just want to be able to say I wrote a book, which has been a dream of mine since I was a child. I also hope to get back to freelancing for magazines and newspapers. For me, each time I am published feels as AMAZING as the first time. I miss that feeling. I miss telling stories and engaging strangers around the world with my words. With this blog, I hope to open up conversations about all sorts of topics that interest me as a writer, and hopefully you as a reader. I will take topic recommendations,
and hope you will give feedback! So please share my blog, and engage with me as I get back to my writing journey!!
These are my 2019 goals? What are yours? Please comment below and share your resolutions or goals with us!
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